This is a magnificent claim. Some of you might already know that there is going to be an entirely new region in the Velothis release. And what would that be?
The Ash Swamp! Yes! It's a quite magnificent region, actually. People have already stated that on the Bethesda Softworks Forums, and I can only agree! It has new parasols, puffshrooms and fungus hanging from stuff! What a shame we can't release it anytime soon.
Regarding the fact the claim consists of 16 cells (which is a lot), I finished it in quite a short time. That might be because of the fact that the Ash Swamp is soo much fun to make; The set is really cool and you can add a lot of variety by placing fungus and little shrooms. The contrast between his region and the Bittercoast could hardly be greater; A must for vanilla players!
Just a little note: I'll finish another exterior claim consisting at least partially of the Ash Swamp this week. Stay tuned!
Khenarthi’s Roost
6 years ago